Every Monroe calculator comes with a built-in feature no other machine can offer: over 100 years of experience. Experience gained by over nine decades of listening to customers, analyzing how they use calculators, and then designing and building machines that answer those needs.
The 2020PL 12-digit entry (Larger than the previous II Model!) and calculating capacity gives it the muscle to cope with today''s and tomorrow''s office needs. It places a wide array of productivity-oriented features at your fingertips
such as Percent Change, Mark-Up, GT, Tax (2 keys
NEW in this model!), and a 4-key Independent Memory
making it the intelligent choice for a wide variety of calculating needs.
The keyboard arrangement of the 2020PLI is typical of Monroe''s effort to make data entry simple, fast, and as error-free as possible. Adding machine controls are placed on the right of the numeric keypad and calculator controls are to the left, making it easy to use them independently or together.